If you wish to change between DIY and Managed, you will need to create a new portfolio and initiate a transfer of funds from your old portfolio.
To create a Managed portfolio you will need to go to your dashboard and select ‘Add new portfolio’-> ‘Create Managed portfolio’-> ‘SIPP’-> 'Continue'-> select ETF(s)->'Add to portfolio'-> 'Continue'-> Set portfolio weights-> 'Review and continue'->'Save and continue'->Read and agree to the SIPP declaration-> 'Continue'
We are working on releasing in-species transfers for internal portfolios, please keep an eye our on our Community page for the latest updates on this.
Please note: Withdrawing funds from one portfolio and depositing them into another via your bank account may result in you losing part or all of your SIPP annual allowance. Please make sure to transfer your funds internally as described here.