InvestEngine’s Retirement Portfolio service is designed for investors who want to contribute to a
pension, but aren’t sure what to invest in.
Our Retirement Portfolio takes a “glidepath” approach. It is a fully managed portfolio, structured
to maximise your risk-adjusted returns between now and the State Pension Age (SPA).
The glidepath seeks to balance your need to capture more return when there’s a long time
leading up to your goal, with preferences for greater stability and income potential as you
approach the target date. It is designed to generate gains in the early years by investing more
heavily in stocks, then retaining those gains by weighting towards safer, more conservative
choices such as bonds and cash equivalents as the target date approaches. The most
conservative allocation will be reached when you reach the SPA.
Our glidepath strategy provides a single, ready-made solution for a future savings goal like
retirement or education.