All you need to do is click on the green ‘Get started’ button, which can be found in the top right corner of all pages on the InvestEngine website or follow this link and follow the registration process, providing the necessary details.
Account Verification:
Our third-party verification software will complete the necessary checks automatically on most accounts.
In certain cases, you will be asked to provide a selfie and a photo of an ID. Please use your phone or web camera to take and submit these images.
Once again, if all the details are correct, the algorithm will verify the identity and the ID automatically. In some cases, manual verification will be required. This takes one working day to complete and a member of our Onboarding team will be in touch if we require any further information.
Create your Portfolio(s):
How do I set up a Managed Portfolio?
How do I set up a DIY portfolio?
Link a bank account:
How do I link a new bank account?
If at any point you have left the registration process, you can always come back to it and complete it by logging back into your account and selecting the 'Finish registration to start investing' in the blue banner on the dashboard. See example below:
How to find 'Get started':