Rebalance is a one-click smart tool helping to keep your portfolio on track with automated order generation based on your target weights.
As your investments rise and fall in value, their actual weights in your portfolio will move away from your target weights. This will change your portfolio's exposure to risk. To stay on track and maintain your investment strategy you can rebalance your portfolio back to its target weights:
Open your portfolio > 'Options' > Rebalance portfolio.
It will automatically generate the trades to rebalance your portfolio to its target weights.
Rebalancing your portfolio will use full cash balance on your portfolio, any cash buffer limit you can set on your account is only applicable when using the Auto-invest feature. Clients must make sure they have checked the cash balance on their portfolio, and are happy to use it as part of the Rebalance for their portfolio.
There are certain situations where you won’t be able to use the Rebalance Portfolio feature:
- If you have outstanding orders waiting to be settled, all orders would need to be settled before you can use the rebalance feature.
- If you have already submitted a portfolio order or a single-stock order for the upcoming trading window then you can’t also place a rebalance order. Any submitted orders would need to execute and settle, typically two days after trade execution.
- You cannot submit a rebalance order for your portfolio while a cash withdrawal is being processed.
See also: