Sometimes your order might not be completely filled. This is because we use a trading model that combines multiple orders.
We always aim to provide the best execution for our client's trades. The market makers then set the price based on when the order is placed and its size.
We work hard to fill your order as fully as possible. However, we sometimes need to adjust the amount slightly (always lower, never higher). This helps protect against market changes while making sure you get the best possible deal.
In the rare event your pending order is cancelled, we will send you an email to let you know. There are a number of reasons why an order may be cancelled and we've provided these reasoning below:
Cancelled_by_administrator: The pending order was cancelled by the administrator.
Cancelled_by_client: The pending order was cancelled by the client (yourself).
Insufficient_cash: The portfolio has insufficient cash to carry out the requested order. Please add cash to your portfolio.
Insufficient_securities: Taking the latest prices into account, the portfolio has an insufficient number of securities to cover the order
Insufficient_securities_remainder: Executing the order would leave an insufficient number of securities in the portfolio.
Weights_setup_needed: A client’s transfer has been received (ISA or SIPP transfer). Please review the target weights before placing a new order.
Has_no_orders: The pending order has been covered by the recent rebalance.
Please see the below link for more information on our order execution process: